Tuesday, 28 January 2025

The Gift - Review

Park Theatre, London


Written by Dave Florez
Directed by Adam Meggido

Nicholas Burns

The phrase goes that while a turd cannot be polished, it can be rolled in glitter. So it is with Dave Florez’s scatological disaster of a play that sees the 40-something Colin receive a stool in the mail, delivered in a fancy cake box.

If this narrative had been the subject of a five-minute sketch from Derek and Clive, it may well have been eye-wateringly funny. But while the schoolboy humour of the play’s opening moments may make a bit of a splash, from then on any semblance of wit is well and truly flushed away.

The three-hander sees Colin, his sister Lisa and her boyfriend Brian (fine acting all-round from Nicholas Burns, Laura Haddock and Alex Price respectively) deliver a series of Gen X metro-cliches that take a frankly improbable storyline and strain hard to force out any semblance of comedy. Also floating in the bowl are the vaguest hints of political comment, along with a nod to Colin and Lisa’s dysfunctional childhood.

This is a clogged drama lasting for what feels like a very constipated two hours. Will leave you pooped.

Runs until 1st March
Photo credit: Rich Southgate

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